Updated 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog | 20255
History Courses
HST 1114 United States History I, to 1877
(3 credits)
HST 1115 United States History II, since 1877
(3 credits)
HST 1304 World History I, Prehistory-1500
(3 credits)
HST 1305 World History II, 1500-Present
(3 credits)
HST 1898 Introduction to Writing a World History Paper
(1 credits)
HST 1899 Introduction to Writing an American History Paper
(1 credits)
HST 2218 Medieval Europe
(3 credits)
HST 2219 Medieval European Culture
(3 credits)
HST 2228 Renaissance and Reformation Europe
(3 credits)
HST 2500 Native Americans and the United States, 1600s-Present
(3 credits)
HST 2580 Russia
(3 credits)
HST 2600 Topics in History
(3 credits)
HST 2610 Minnesota History
(3 credits)
HST 2660 Women and History
(3 credits)
HST 2667 Men and Women: Gender in America
(3 credits)
HST 2700 The History of World Religions
(3 credits)
HST 2799 Religion in America
(3 credits)
HST 2925 People of the Environment: Environment and History
(3 credits)
HST 2953 Study-Travel, History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
(1-6 credits)
HST 3117 American Revolutionary Era, 1763-1800
(3 credits)
HST 3128 Testing Democracy: Reform in Antebellum America, 1787-1865
(3 credits)
HST 3137 The American Civil War
(3 credits)
HST 3159 The World at War, 1931-1945
(3 credits)
HST 3187 American West
(3 credits)
HST 3208 Greece and Rome, 1500 BCE-500 CE
(3 credits)
HST 3258 The Roman Civil Law Tradition
(3 credits)
HST 3277 Readings and Research in European History
(3 credits)
HST 3409 Colonialism and Modernization in the Non-Western World
(3 credits)
HST 3419 East Asia
(3 credits)
HST 3429 South and Southeast Asia
(3 credits)
HST 3459 Latin America
(3 credits)
HST 3500 History Research and Writing
(1 credits)
HST 3650 Environmental History
(3 credits)
HST 3799 Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-1714
(3 credits)
HST 3800 Georgian Britain, 1688-1820
(3 credits)
HST 4000 Historiography
(3 credits)
HST 4500 Historical Methods
(3 credits)
HST 4600 History Portfolio
(1 credits)
HST 4783 Senior Thesis in History
(3 credits)
HST 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc |
(1-2 credits)
HST 2925 People of the Environment: Environment and History (3 credits)
An examination of past interactions between human society and the natural world in what is now the United States. Issues to be discussed in the course include Native American resource management; the ecological effects of the arrival of Europeans, Africans, and Asians in North America; resource exploitation in the industrial era; the preservationist and conservationist movements; and the historical roots of current environmental problems.
Common Course Outline